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aetherAI Rebranding

Visual Design  |  2021  |  Visit aetherAI

At aetherAI, we specialize in medical imaging, neural network, and artificial intelligence technologies. Our name reflects our goal of providing painless access to the world of AI, just as the first use of anesthesia revolutionized medical treatment. With strong connections to hospitals and a clinical approach, we bridge the gap between technology and medical care to deliver innovative solutions for patients and healthcare providers alike.

Prior to the rebranding, aetherAI did not have a distinctive visual representation to communicate the company's story or vision. Upon joining the team and preparing for a medical exhibition, I proposed a do a rebranding to create a visual identity that effectively conveyed our company's story.

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Defining Requirements

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Design Team

BD Team

The rebranding project was prompted by the need for a strong and consistent brand image, particularly as the company attends local and international medical exhibitions. Our CEO and marketing team wanted to communicate our focus on implementing AI into medical imaging, and differentiate ourselves from competitors. By updating our brand image and messaging, we aim to improve communication with our target audience and strengthen our brand identity.

Branding Research

Visual Study

The company's core development revolves around "Medical Imaging," "Neural Network," and "Artificial Intelligence." Our main strengths are our strong connections with medical institutions and the ability to approach our work from a clinical perspective.

During my time at aetherAI, I devoted a significant amount of effort to researching microscopes and how they capture medical images. I found the process fascinating, especially the way in which the microscope zooms in and out, rendering cells blurry and then clear. I was inspired by this concept and sought to incorporate it into our company's visual identity.


Visual Elements

Color and Gradient Blend In







Proposal A

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Proposal B & C


Company Brochure


The extraction

There was a difference of opinion between our CEO and VP regarding proposals A and B. However, I successfully merged the strongest elements from both proposals to craft a novel solution. This outcome garnered positive feedback from both executives, leading to their request for its incorporation into our company brochure and key visual for the upcoming medical exhibition.

I'm glad that I took the initiative to apply my passion for branding and graphic design to this project. I found immense satisfaction in the design process, and I'm proud to say that this project represents the peak of my brand design work thus far. What's even more rewarding is that my colleagues expressed their happiness that our company now has a strong brand image. We can now confidently present ourselves to a national and international audience.

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